Self portrait

Colorful Tasty Food and Portrait Paintings in Oil and Acrylic

Welcome to

Hello! I’m a Dutch artist who enjoys combining my passion for painting with my love for food. Using oil and acrylic paints, I create tasty culinary scenes and portraits in both realistic and expressionist styles. Original artwork and prints are available. Thank you for stopping by my page!

I hope you enjoy!


Please contact me for feedback or questions.

Click to see my paintings

Prints available globally

Art Heroes/werkaandemuur delivers in most European countries, often including free delivery.

Redbubble offers Global delivery, e.g. Europe, USA, Canada, UK and Australia. Prints on canvas but also on many other interesting items (e.g cloths, kitchenware, posters, stickers, notebooks)

FOLLOW ME NOW! and see creation videos and updates on my work ( on Instagram)